Terminator: Salvation (Blu-ray SteelBook) (Full Slip A1) (KimchiDVD Exclusive) [Korea]
Terminator: Salvation (Blu-ray SteelBook) (Full Slip A2) (KimchiDVD Exclusive) [Korea]
Terminator: Salvation (Blu-ray SteelBook) (Lenticular Slip) (KimchiDVD Exclusive) [Korea]
Dear international customers,
We notify that the Terminator Salvation Steelbook (Kimchidvd Exclusive No.27) will be lived at 21st Jan. 2016 (14:00) (Korea Time)
Release date: 12th of Feb. 2016
One Click - 200 copies (with the same Numbered Card)
Lenticular Edition (1,300 copies Numbered Card)
Fullslip Edition A 1-Type (600 copies Numbered Card)
Fullslip Edition A 2-Type (700 copies Numbered card)
The First Price : USD34.99
Order Limited Qty : 2 ea per order
In case of the Lenticular Effect, We will make it to change from the regular city image to the flaming skull Image. and we will notify on our Facebook with the GIF File before live.