Ну, и напоследок пару фото-кроссоверов )))
Wolf vs Warrior Alien
Wolf vs Predalien (AVP Requiem)
Отредактировано Capdeville (2010-11-18 17:44:57)
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Ну, и напоследок пару фото-кроссоверов )))
Wolf vs Warrior Alien
Wolf vs Predalien (AVP Requiem)
Отредактировано Capdeville (2010-11-18 17:44:57)
Capdeville, отличная подборка фигурок. На некоторые из них я тоже глаз положил
AlexF - Спасибо! Взаимно.
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Спасибо за рукотворный отзыв. Приятно, что кто-то нашел время черкнуть хоть пару слов. Купил на Е-Вау. Цены на эту серию очень лютые сейчас. Взял в момент распродажи - доставку сделали на шару
пожалуйста:) я на форуме недавно,поэтому с интересом смотрю все темы!
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а что бывает не рукотворный отзыв,а ноготворный?
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Отредактировано zevs (2011-01-25 04:13:23)
а где собственно брать названия полное диорам и фигурок?то естьгде можно посмотреть каталог существующих и узнавать о выходе тех или иных моделей?
Полные названия указывают, когда вылаживают фото на форумах (как у нас)
А в общем есть масса крупных интернет магазинов, где можно фоток насмотреться. Самый козырный - Sideshows Collectibles
а где собственно брать названия полное диорам и фигурок?
На сайте производителя или в крупный интернет магазинах.
BigBadToyStore - Крупнейший штатовский магазин(можно найти практически все)
HLJ - Крупнейший японский магазин.
+ ибей
Star Wars Vehicle Collection 4
F-Toys Japan
Imperial Shuttle
1/144 scale model
From the Movies
An elegant example that stands apart from typical brutish Imperial engineering, the Lambda-class shuttle is a multi-purpose transport used in the Imperial starfleet. The Empire pressed the shuttle into service for both cargo ferrying and passenger duty. Even the Empire's elite, like Darth Vader and the Emperor Palpatine used Lambda-class shuttles.
With a trihedral foil design, the craft bears a strong resemblance to Incom's popular T-16 skyhopper. It has three wings: a stationary center foil and two articulated flanking wings. When in flight, the side wings fold out for greater stabilization. When landing, the wings fold in, shrinking the vessel's silhouette.
Prior to the Battle of Endor, the Rebellion managed to steal a small Imperial shuttle, the Tydirium. Refitted and filled with a squad of Rebel commandos, the Tydirium breached the security screen around the second Death Star to start the events that would lead to the Battle of Endor.
The well-armed vessel has two forward-facing double laser cannons, two wing-mounted double cannons, and a rear-facing double laser cannon. It is equipped with a hyperdrive.
An all-new Imperial Shuttle craft appears in RETURN OF THE JEDI... the Tydirium flown by Darth Vader. The unique folding-wing craft with the huge stabilizer fin becomes a major part of the action as it is flown by Rebel raiding party in a sneak attack through the Empire`s defenses on the planet Endor.
Эксклюзивный шатл зловещего вида, с длинным носом и изогнутыми крыльями. Имперский шатл является личным звездолётом хитрого и жестокого руководителя армии Галактической Империи - Дарт Вейдера.
Appeared in:
20 meters long
Five double laser cannons
Multi-purpose shuttle
Sienar Fleet Systems
From the Expanded Universe
Sienar Fleet Systems developed the Lambda-class shuttle, with subcontractor Cygnus Spaceworks developing a heavier, combat-ready version of the craft armed with 10 laser cannons.
Though designed primarily for space travel, the shuttle's broad wing surfaces give it stable atmospheric maneuverability. Its large interior hold can carry 20 soldiers, or 80 tons worth of cargo. Since the craft is hyperspace-capable and well-armed, Lambda-class shuttles do not require a military escort, though the increasing threat of Rebel forces meant that these ships rarely traveled alone.
The Emperor's Lambda-class shuttle was heavily modified, though its exact design specifications remain classified. It was rumored that Palpatine's personal craft even carried a prototypical cloaking shield.
Behind the Scenes
Early designs of the shuttle were very box-like and square. As the concept was refined, the shuttle developed boat-like characteristics, and even a barge-like profile. A breakthrough illustration was a TIE-like cockpit pod bracketed by three large wings. Borrowing from the skyhopper design developed years earlier for A New Hope, final shuttle concept designs began to take shape through the illustrations of Joe Johnston, Ralph McQuarrie and Nilo Rodis-Jamero.
Two models of the Imperial shuttle were made by ILM modelmakers Charlie Bailey and Bill George. One model was 28 x 30 x 18 centimeters in size, the other 33 x 53 x 56 centimeters. For new scenes in the Special Edition re-release of the Star Wars trilogy, the shuttle was rendered as a computer-generated creation.
Отредактировано AlexF (2011-03-13 13:28:56)
Star Wars Vehicle Collection
Tie Bomber
F-Toys Japan
1-144 scale
Название: TIE/bm Bomber (Light Short Range Bomber)
Производитель: Sienar Fleet Systems
Размер: 7,8 метра.
Скорость: 80 MGLT
Экипаж: 1 человек
Груз: 15 метричных тонн (бомболюк)
Вооружение: 2 SFS L-s1 лазерные пушки, 2 SFS M-s3 ракетные установки, 2 SFS T-s5 установки по запуску протонных торпед, протонные бомбы, термальные детонаторы и орбитальные мины
Защита: обшивка усиленная титаниумом (28 RU)
Tie Bomber был разработан для замены устаревших Tie/gt. В отличии от большинства кораблей семейства Tie Bomber имеет двойной корпус. В одной из гондол расположен пилот, система жизнеобеспечения и бортовой компьютер, а в другой пусковая установка и смертельный груз торпед, мин или термальных детонаторов.
После Битвы при Явине Империя осуществила 2 годичное перевооружение после чего Tie Bomber стал основным космическим бомбардировщиком Имперского флота. Tie Bomber несёт на борту систему наведения, которая позволяет ему уничтожать мелкие цели на поверхности планет или кораблей. В отличии от крупных кораблей Tie Bomber может вести выборочную бомбардировку, уничтожая военный цели, оставляя гражданский и коммерческие постройки невредимыми. Благодаря своим малым размерам и относительно большой скорости Tie Bomber может проскальзывать через системы защиты больших кораблей и безнаказанно производить пуск торпед или тяжелых космических бомб. Из-за двойного корпуса Tie Bomber не очень маневренный, но в сопровождении Tie Interceptor’ов и Tie Fighter’ов Tie Bomber становится смертельным оружием.
Перед смертью Императора Империя начала разработку прототипа более продвинутого бомбардировщика. Проект эволюционировал в Tie Scimitar.
Этот корабль одна из старейших моделей семейства Tie, ее разработка началась еще в первые годы правления Императора Палпатина. Имперский Разрушитель несёт 6 таких кораблей, на борту первой Звезды Смерти находилось 806.
Корпус и форма крыльев такая же как и у Tie Bomber'а, но вертикальные сегменты крыльев немного больше. Левая гондола предназначена для перевозки дюжины штурмовиков для захвата кораблей в космосе. В передней части находится аппаратура для принудительного открывание шлюзовых люков и орудие для прорезание обшивки корабля или орбитальной станции.
Название: TIE/sh Shuttle Craft (Short Range Shuttle Craft)
Производитель: Sienar Fleet Systems
Размер: 7,8 метра.
Скорость: 90 MGLT
Экипаж: 1 человек, 2 пассажира
Груз: 17 + 1 метричных тонн (отделение для пассажиров)
Вооружение: 1 SFS L-s1 лазерная пушка
Защита: обшивка усиленная титаниумом (28 RU)
From the Movies
Using the standard TIE fighter as a starting point, Imperial engineers designed a dedicated craft to deliver explosive payloads through bombardment. Showing its TIE roots, the TIE bomber's fuselage is bracketed by a pair of solar gather panels. For its increased power requirements, the bomber boasts elongated panels with greater surface areas than the standard starfighter.
The TIE bomber has twin cylindrical hulls between its panels. The starboard cylinder houses the pilot, while the port pod contains the fighter's explosive cargo, which is delivered to its targets via a ventral bomb chute.
From the Expanded Universe
Sienar Fleet Systems' development of the TIE bomber took the robust TIE/gt starfighter variant as a starting point and ended up with a formidable light space bomber capable of delivering devastating attacks of pinpoint accuracy against ground and space-based targets.
Previous to the bomber's development, orbital bombardment was handled by the weapons of the capital starships such as Imperial Star Destroyers. While no one would argue against the lethality of such methods, capital ship bombardments would often result in unwanted colateral damage adjacent to the targets. For more refined attacks, such as when the Empire desired to take a target intact, the surgical precision of the TIE bomber exceled.
The TIE bomber marks one of the few Imperial starfighters to come equipped with an ejection seat. Given that this vessel often operates within planetary atmospheres, a pilot stands a good chance of surviving should he need to eject.
The port pod contans two bomb bays that can carry a variety of payloads -- proton bombs, guided missiles, orbital mines, free-falling thermal detonators, for example. Advanced sensors developed by Nordoxicon's Micro Instruments divisions grant the TIE bomber unerring accuracy.
The bomber's greatest drawback is its speed and sluggish handling. It is not a vessel meant for twisting, jinking aerobatic dogfights. While its increased armor affords some protection from enemy fire, Alliance starfighter pilots consider so-called "dupes" easy pickings.
Behind the Scenes
The TIE bomber's design was actually conceived for A New Hope, though the vessel was not seen in that film. Early sketches labeled it a TIE boarding craft, suggesting its use at the start of the film. From those sketches, both Marvel Comics and the daily Star Wars newspaper comic strip incorporated the twin-pod design in their tales before the bomber's formal introduction in The Empire Strikes Back.
Mischiveous modelmakers at ILM nicknamed the TIE bomber the "double chili dog" fighter, as its twin cylindrical configuration reminded staffers of a favorite food treat.
Kenner's original die-cast TIE bomber, one of the few toy incarnations of the Imperial fighter, is eagerly sought by collectors for its rarity.
Отредактировано AlexF (2011-03-13 13:34:50)
Star Wars Vehicle Collection
Slave 1 (Boba Fett version)
F-Toys Japan
1-350 scale
From the Movies
The elliptical silhouette of the Slave I is the last thing any fugitive would want to see on her rear sensor display. The Slave I's sophisticated anti-detection gear and stealth package ensure that very few fugitives ever see their captor coming.
The Slave I has a distinctive shape making it instantly recognizable. Its large engine cluster dominates the lower section of the ship when docked, with the cabin resting atop it. Once airborne, the Slave I pivots 90 degrees, so that its base becomes its trailing edge and its top-mounted cockpit faces forward. The vessel is armed with numerous laser cannons, as well as concealed projectile launchers and seismic charge deployer.
The battle-worn vessel was originally owned and piloted by Jango Fett, who passed on his impressive skills to his son, Boba. Boba Fett piloted the Slave I when he pursued the Millennium Falcon from the Anoat system to Bespin shortly after the Battle of Hoth.
From the Expanded Universe
For all its deadliness and stealth, the Slave I is an antiquated craft of a type rarely seen plying the modern spacelanes. Both Jango and Boba Fett staved off its obsolescence by constantly rebuilding, customizing and updating the ship's many features.
What began life as a Kuat Systems Engineering limited edition Firespray-class ship is now a dedicated pursuit craft worthy of the galaxy's best bounty hunter. Aside from its clearly visible twin blaster cannons, the ship also has numerous weapons hidden away. Concealed in its hull are a turret-mounted tractor beam projector, a pair of proton torpedo launchers, concussion missile tubes, and a powerful ion cannon.
After Fett's apparent death in the Sarlacc pit, the Alliance seized the Slave I and impounded it on the planet Grakouine. As the galaxy was busy turning itself inside out, transforming from Empire to New Republic, the Slave I was promptly forgotten. Using a variety of fronts, a clandestine Fett legally reclaimed the Slave I by purchasing it. As he was refitting the vessel, he used a sleek replacement ship that he dubbed the Slave II.
Behind the Scenes
The Slave I seen in The Empire Strikes Back was sometimes a detailed miniature 69 centimeters long. Other times, it was a matte painting by Harrison Ellenshaw. For its new shots in the Special Edition, the Slave I was a computer-generated creation.
The Slave II, a completely different design, appeared in the pages of Dark Horse's Dark Empire comic in the early 90s.
Отредактировано AlexF (2011-03-13 13:36:31)
Star Wars Vehicle Collection
Клевые фотки, и очень клевые модельки.
Star Wars Vehicle Collection 3
F-Toys Japan
1/144 scale models
Here's even more super-cool stuff from the Star Wars universe! This is part 3 of a collection of very well-done prepainted models in 1/144 scale. There are 5 possible types in the lineup: an X-Wing FIghter (Red 2); an A-Wing Fighter; a B-Wing Fighter; a Federation tank; and a Jedi Starfighter with hyperdrive ring! Developed in collaboration with Fine Molds, so you know these babies are good! Collect 'em all! Includes a lovely piece of chewing gum. Sold by the randomly packed box of 10.
Star Wars Vehicle Collection 3
F-Toys Japan
1/144 scale models
Delta-7 Jedi Starfighter
From the Movies
Small wedge-shaped one-man starfighters, these vessels were used by the Jedi order in the waning days of the Galactic Republic. While the ship does employ weapons, most Jedi pilots preferred to rely on their cunning and attunement to the Force to avoid disputes and aggression.
A truncated astromech droid was hard-wired into the starfighter's port side, providing repair and navigation information to the Jedi pilot. The vessel was too small to carry a hyperdrive, and instead relied on a separate booster craft for transit through hyperspace.
The Jedi Temple maintained a well-stocked hangar of Jedi starfighters within one of its many spires. A retractable landing pad slid forth from the tower, extending to its length to allow the fighter clearance from the Temple.
Obi-Wan Kenobi piloted a Jedi starfighter while investigating the Separatist-funded assassination attempts on Senator Padmé Amidala of Naboo. Equipped with a hyperdrive booster ring, Obi-Wan voyaged to the distant worlds of Kamino and Geonosis while searching for answers.
With the outbreak of the Clone Wars, the Jedi saw themselves pressed into the forefront of military activity, serving as Generals in the campaign against the Separatists. The demands of combat saw advancements in the Jedi starfighter arsenal, resulting in modifications and a new generation of fighter craft.
Though the wedge-shaped starfighter design was still in use by war's end, a newer model had earned the spotlight for its use by renowned Jedi heroes, Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi.
This new model was much more compact, cutting away a large portion of the forward spaceframe to have a forked front, bracketing a bulbous cockpit pod. Lining the inner edges of the ship's "tines" were powerful long-barreled laser cannons. The ship also had secondary cannons recessed on the outer edge of each tine. A full-size astromech rested within a spring-loaded socket on the port wing, and the craft's wingtips could fold open, revealing hexagonal panels when the ship entered combat mode. The hexagonal wings and the spoke-windowed cockpit were strong indicators of future starfighter designs to be adopted by the galactic government.
This new model also lacked a hyperdrive, so it too had to rely upon a hyperspace transport ring to achieve superluminal velocities. During the war, bigger more robust rings were used, with multiple lightspeed engines increasing their speed and range.
Appeared in:
(Delta-7) 8 meters long; (Eta-2) 5.47 meters long
(Delta-7) laser cannons; (Eta-2) dual laser cannons; 2 secondary ion cannons
Light interceptor starfighter
Kuat Systems Engineering
From the Expanded Universe
The finished model of the Jedi starfighter was unveiled just a few weeks prior to the outbreak of the Clone Wars. Project Engineer Walex Blissex led the crack team of engineers that developed the Delta-7 Aethersprite starfighter at the Kuat Systems Engineering Facilities.
At a special ceremony at the Kuat Drive Yards, Kuati Senator Risi Lenoan and Jedi representatives Adi Gallia and Aayla Secura were on hand to officially launch the finished Delta-7 model. Earlier models were field-tested by Jedi Master Adi Gallia.
Though the standard Delta-7 is too small to carry an onboard hyperdrive, and must instead rely on a TransGalMeg Industries booster ring, there does exist a small number of advanced models with an onboard experimental lightspeed engine.During the Clone Wars, ace Jedi pilots like Anakin Skywalker and Saesee Tiin pushed the Delta-7 to its limits. Skywalker constantly tinkered with his starfighter, modifying its systems to optimize performance. Based on his innovations, Kuat Systems Engineering revisited the starfighter design and developed a bold and radical follow-up to the Delta-7 with its Eta-2 Actis interceptor. Anakin Skywalker was the first to pilot this new model, though other Jedi soon followed in his path, including Tiin, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Mace Windu.
Only a Jedi pilot would be brave enough to fly an Eta-2 into combat. That's not to disparage its capabilities; rather, it is a very advanced high-performance craft that devotes most of its system resources to pure speed and power. It does so at the expense of heavy flight instruments, sensors and shields. A Jedi Knight's attunement to the Force more than compensates for these compromises.
In compressing -- yet increasing -- the performance of the Delta-7 into a frame no bigger than an airspeeder, Kuat engineers faced many challenges. Key among them was overheating. A sophisticated system of pumps, heat sinks and extendable radiator wing panels help draw heat away from the Eta-2's miniature reactor.
Behind the Scenes
The Jedi starfighter's basic shape is derived from the Star Destroyers of the original trilogy, suggesting that many of the noble designs of the Republic were subverted and claimed by the Empire following the Clone Wars.
This echoing of classic designs continued with the upgraded fighter seen in Episode III. This version of the Jedi starfighter is a cross between the Episode II fighter and the Episode IV TIE fighter. The opening wing panels were inspired by the attack mode developed by Hasbro for the toy version of the Episode II Jedi fighter.
For Episode III, one full-sized Jedi starfighter was constructed. It was modified and repainted to serve as five different ships -- two each for Obi-Wan and Anakin, and one for Plo Koon. Ironically, even though the Episode III fighter design was used to shoot Plo Koon's cockpit sequences, he flies an older Delta-7 design in the finished film.
Отредактировано AlexF (2011-03-13 13:39:08)
Star Wars Vehicle Collection 3
F-Toys Japan
1/144 scale models
B-Wing Starfighter
From the Movies
Perhaps the oddest-looking starfighter in the Rebel Alliance fleet, the B-wing fighter is as powerful as it is ungainly. The ship's structure is almost entirely taken up by its primary airfoil, which houses a cylindrical cockpit on one end, an engine cluster in the center, and a heavy weapons pod at its base. Located just below the engine cluster are a pair of S-foils which can deploy to extend the firing arc of twin laser cannons.
The B-wing's command pod has a unique gyroscopic control system. The pilot can orient it so that it always stays level with a pre-designated horizon line. No matter which way the B-wing may maneuver laterally, its pilot remains upright.
B-wing fighters figured prominently in the Battle of Endor as Alliance pilots such as Ten Numb piloted the ship into the historic showdown.
Appeared in:
16.9 meters long
laser cannon, proton torpedoes, ion cannon
Rebel Alliance
Heavy assault starfighter
Slayn & Korpil
From the Expanded Universe
The Alliance drew many needed supplies by raiding Imperial convoys with their venerated X-wing and Y-wing starfighters. In response to this piracy, the Empire countered with heavily armed starships -- escort frigates -- protecting their shipments. The Alliance countered with the B-wing starfighter.
Developed by the insectoid Verpine of the Roche asteroid field, under the supervision of Admiral Ackbar, the B-wing starfighter is a bizarre-looking craft. Like other Verpine vessels, the B-wing has a complex gyroscopic control system that keeps a pilot along a single orientation during maneuvers. Though this stabilizes the ship as a weapons platform, the gyroscope is an engineering and maintenance nightmare.
The B-wing carries an extremely powerful array of weapons, including a heavy ion cannon, proton torpedoes, auto-blasters and a trio of laser cannons. Alternate configurations feature three laser cannons, three ion cannons, and twin torpedo launchers. Since the vessel is designed to engage capital ships, it has phenomonal firepower, but lacks speed and maneuverability.
Behind the Scenes
The peculiar shape of the B-wing fighter worked against it in earning screen time. The extremely thin front and back views of the fighter made it all but disappear in shots against space, so many of the planned B-wing sequences were cut from the film.
The rotating cockpit assembly was inspired by designs originally planned for the Millennium Falcon.
Отредактировано AlexF (2011-03-13 13:40:28)
Алекс, ну впечатление, конечно, производит, да!
Приятно видеть, как человек уже который год увлекается тем, что ему по душе.
Ты свою нишу на нашем маленьком форуме как занял, так и не покидаешь её.
Вот за это спасибо!
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