классная штука с заоблачной ценой
Panasonic DMP-BD50 Blu-Ray Player
Multiregion Blu-Ray+DVD
http://www.mrmdvd.com/catalog/product_i … cts_id=951
This player has been modified to play both blu-ray region A, B and C, as well as DVD regions 1-6 (region free).
Switching between the blu-ray regions is performed using the original remote control.
The Blu-ray player is fully upgradeable with official firmware updates
Price £529.00 + доставка + растаможка
Sorry but this product is currently out of stock
за эти же деньги можно купить 2 блю-рея: украинца + его американского собрата
Отредактировано AlexF (2008-07-16 09:03:25)