Aura Pro Bass Shaker еще одна система тактильного воссоздания баса и специальных эфектов  :cool:

цена в Киеве за 1 шт - USD110

запитывается от любого двухканального усилителя. монтируется непосредственно под мебель (диван, софа, кресло)

:cool: мощное дополнение в физическом восприятии баса и специальных эфектов даже при малых громкостях :cool:

:idea: Aura Bass Shakers - установка  :idea:

Aura bass shakers are a fun addition to any home theater. The purpose of bass shakers, also called tactile transducers, is to augment the bass in music or movies by shaking the floor or the furniture that you attach them to. So when you are watching Jurassic Park and the T-rex stomps on the ground you not only hear it but you feel it too. They are a lot of fun, and the look on your guests faces when they experience them for the first time is priceless, especially if they have no idea that they are installed.

I will admit that when I first heard about tactile transducers I thought they sounded pretty silly. But I kept reading all these really great things about them and then one day I came across some really cheap generic tactile transducers so I figured it was worth trying them out so I ordered a pair. When they first arrived my first reaction was disappointment. They were pretty small, four inches in diameter and about 2 inches deep, there was also no documentation or instructions provided. But I wasn't about to let that stop me from giving them a chance. So I screwed them into my couch and hooked them up to an old Marantz 2220B receiver that I had lying around collecting dust. With the installation done I fired up the projector and put in Jurassic Park and went straight to the T-rex scene. I have to say I was pleasantly surprised. I guess this is one of those instances where size and first impressions don't matter so much. My butt was shaking with each step of the T-rex, in fact it was shaking too much, so turned down the volume on the bass shakers to a more reasonable level and was very pleased with the results. I decided maybe the whole tactile transducers thing isn't silly, I was really enjoying them.

After installing them and playing some heavy bass demo stuff I took a break and went to go eat some dinner. I came back a couple hours later and I watched Hearts In Atlantis which has almost zero subwoofer activity, so little in fact that I pretty much forgot about the bass shakers. Near the end of the movie there is a scene where a train is coming and there is definitely some bass, surprised my butt a little. It also really added to the movie, it felt like a train was passing by outside.

I lived with the generic tactile transducers for about six months and then Parts Express had a good sale going on the Aura bass shakers so I decided to upgrade. I have a total of four Aura bass shakers installed. In my home theater room I have a sectional couch. There are two end pieces, one small straight section, and a large corner piece. I have one bass shaker installed in the small straight section (which happens to be my main viewing spot), one in one of the end pieces and two installed on the large corner piece. The Aura bass shakers were definitely an improvement over the little generic ones I had, they have a lot more punch and rumble much better.

Installing the Aura bass shakers is really easy. You just screw them into the bottom of your couch or chair, you can even screw them directly to your floor. Since the Aura bass shakers have an impedance of 4 ohms I have each pair wired in series so that my Marantz receiver is seeing an 8 ohm load. They only require 25 watts of power so it is very easy to power them, in fact my old Marantz 2220B is only 20 watts per channel and I find it to be more than adequate. To get the signal from my Outlaw 950 to the Marantz I split the subwoofer out from the Outlaw with a Y splitter from Radio Shack and then ran a single RCA cable over to my old Marantz receiver and then into another Y splitter so I could use both channels of the auxiliary input. I then just run speaker wire out from the Marantz to the Aura bass shakers. The nice thing about the signal from the subwoofer out on my Outlaw 950 is that it is already crossed over. The bass shakers can only handle a signal up to 100 hz and if you feed them higher signals they will quickly grow tiring because they will be buzzing all the time. I have my subwoofer crossed over at 80 hz so that is what my bass shakers see as well. Below is the wiring diagram showing how they are wired up. This diagram only shows one channel which drives two bass shakers, I have both channels active each driving two bass shakers

:cool: отзывы реальных пользователей  :cool:
Theater Room Items & Accessories > Bass Shakers … 92656.html

:writing: а вот еще.... :writing:

Home theater application pointers
Thursday, August 21, 2008
HT geek from Huntsville AL 
I purchased 4 of these for use in a HT. I have them running off an old Stereo amp with 100 watts/ch.

Initially, I set them up by running them in series (2 each/ch for 8ohm load) and mounting them under a riser platform I built (9'x4'). The results were marginal. The only way to get much punch was to run the shakers from L/R line out--the sub-out didn't do much. Using L/R as source isn't recommended--the platform didn't shake much. It simply became a muffled, upper-bass, giant wooden speaker, which clearly made the bass in the room muddy. (I have clean 15" Deftech subs in use as well.) Also, with mounting in the platform you could feel the shakers in your feet but not through the furniture and into your body--through a steel recliner sofa placed on top.

So, I mounted them directly to the recliner sofa with plywood struts under each seat cushion. Much better. Only issue with that is the vibration is clearly concentrated from below and your back doesn't shake. If I had a regular sofa, I'd mount 2 under and two on back with a strut running the entire length of the sofa, but with the reclining sofa, I'd need two more shakers to get the same effect since I have 3 sections (3x2=6 shakers). Hope this helps someone thinking about HT riser applications or using reclining sectionals.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008
John Smith from Rochester, NY 
These Bass Shakers perform awesome!! I couldn't think of a better value, they're cheap and work awesome! I enjoy every song & movie's special effects now so much more! I have a pair of these attached below a BIG daybed couch and despite all the cushioning and stuff packed in, they work awesome!

got 'em for the convertible...
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
s2ki from florida 
i put a pair in the s2000. ran 'em off the rear speaker channels that weren't previously used on my amp and put the bass shakers in back of the seats in the map holders. easiest install in the world. they truly bump and contribute to my budget sound system...

Exellent addition to any home theater
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Parts Express Customer from Unknown Location 
Easy to install, several wiring configurations to suit needs. Definitly an immersive sensation!!

Best Value Home Theater Upgrade!
Sunday, July 20, 2008
C Hansen from Leduc, Alberta, Canada 
A very cost effective way to improve your Home Theatre experience, these shakers do wonders! Very powerful even when powered by a ancient spare receiver I had in storage. Highly recommend them and the sites great service, additionally there were no unexpected shipping charges/delays to Canada. Thank You!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Burak from Atlanta 
excellent product for the money. I am using them on my Berkline 13174 s and they perform incredibly. Best bang for the buck...

Very Impressed
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
GB from NW Arkansas 
I purchased (4) of the Aura Bass Shakers plus the Dayton SA-240 sub amp and am very pleased. I had a sofa and loveseat configuration. I attached multiple pieces of 1x6 hardwood to the frames and attached the Aura's in a series/parallel configuration. The Aura's scream quality. The connectors are heavy duty and the units are heavy. They are more than enough for seating arrangement and the amp has the extra power for future upgrades if needed.

Parts Express got my items sent out super quick and I received great technical support when I needed a document for the configuration I needed for wiring. Top Quality products and Top Shelf Customer Service! I will be purchasing again!

Worth Spending Money
Monday, June 16, 2008
Krishna from Louisville 
I got two bass shakers recently and had them installed on my front seats. The 10" sub-woofer on my car could just give me the bass I could listen, but with the bass shakers, I could really feel the bass passing through me. The real good part is that not only you could feel the bass produced by drums, but even the other instruments like a guitar or saxophone passing through you. Its a very good go for real music lovers.